
Friday, December 27, 2013


21 Day Organization Challenge!

2014 Organization Challenge

The holidays are almost over and 2013 is coming to an end.    It's that time of year that we all swear we are going to get our lives in order, to start a diet, exercise more and clean our homes.  Each year I swear that this is the year that I finally become organized only to realize that I have only managed to become more disorganized.  The few areas of my house that are organized are because I spent a little time getting them in order and now each time I use something in that area I find it very easy to put it back in its place.  I also find I get nothing done when the task seems too large.  I need to just do a little at a time.
So ladies, I came up with a simple 21 day challenge of easy organization tasks, that when completed will give us all the organized home we dream of.
I started us off with some simple and quick organization chores so that we don't feel overwhelmed.  I figured we could knock off some easy ones like the medicine cabinet or our handbag before we got to the really involved ones like the garage or if your a crafter like me, the craft supplies.
So ladies, lets get our organization checklist ready and lets plan on starting our challenge the 1st day of 2014.  The challenge is only 21 days so even if we put off starting for a few days we can still have an organized home by February!

Good luck and I would love to hear how your challenge is going!!!


If your doing the challenge, be a dear and follow me and let me know how your doing with it.  I will be happy to add a link to your blog for others to see how well your doing with the challenge!


  1. I just read this and I want to start tomorrow. Since there are 4 feet of snow here, the backyard day will be a day off.
    This challenge totally motivated me.Great idea.

  2. Sweet just saw this again from my last year post. Going to start today

  3. Sweet just saw this post again from last year. Going to start today


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